The Lady with the Alligator Purse

The Lady with the Alligator Purse mp3

The Lady with the Alligator Purse Quicktime Movie with words

1.Miss Lu-cy had a--ba-by, she named him Ti-ny Tim.

She put him in the bath-tub to see if he could swim.

2.He drank up all the--wa-ter. He ate up all the soap. He tried to eat the bath-tub. But it would-n't go down his throat.

3.Miss Lu-cy called the--doc-tor. Miss Lu-cy called the nurse. Miss Lu-cy called the la-dy, with the al-li-ga-tor - purse. -

4.I-n came the doc-tor. I-n-came the nurse. I-n came the la-dy with the al-li-ga-tor purse.

5."Chick-en pox!" said the doc-tor. "Mea-sles!" said the nurse. "Mu-mps!" said the la-dy With the al-li-ga-tor purse.

6.Ou-t went the doc-tor. Ou-t went the nurse. Ou-t went the la-dy with the al-li-ga-tor purse. - - - -



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