written by Dale Evans, arranged by Cathy Knight
The Bible Tells Me So Quicktime Movie with Words
Have faith, hope and char-i-ty, That's the way to live suc-cess-ful-ly.
How do I know? The Bi-ble tells me so.
Do good to your en-e-mies, And the Bless-ed Lord you'll sure-ly please.
How do I know? The Bi-ble tells me so.
Don't wor-ry 'bout to-mor-row, just be real good to-day.
The Lord is right be-side you, He'll guide you all the way.
Have faith, hope and char-it-ty, That's the way to live suc-cess-ful-ly.
How do I know? The Bi-ble tells
me so.
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